Sunday, 9 January 2011

Exercise for the Dukan Diet Part two

Yesterday I posted on the power of walking. The easy exercise we can all do that adds to the calorie burn.

It is advisable to do some toning exercises while losing weight. Dr Dukan's books explain these very well.

He advocates a few simple exercises, which can easily be performed first thing. He suggests you do them while you are still in bed. I'd have to say that is not a good idea if you share your bed and have to get up before your partner! The exercises are not that vigorous, but it would be difficult for someone in the same bed to sleep through the routine.

I also believe in a bit of a warm up before any exercise. You should have a stretch first. Stretch your arms up above your head and rise onto your toes, count to ten and relax. Twist your upper body, first to the left, then the right. go as far as you can to the point when you feel the stretch, count to ten and relax. Put your elbow up vertically, take hold of it with your other hand, push it back, just until you feel the stretch, count to ten, relax and repeat on the other arm. Then pull each knee up as far as you can towards your chest, pulled up by your arms, in the same way. The thing about stretching is to just push it to the point where you feel the pull. I usually then bend a knee, letting the other leg stretch behind. I go as low as I can, hold as before then straighten up. Finally I try to touch my toes. I have not been able to reach them since I was in my teens - and even then it was a struggle. I just bend over as far as I can, feel the stretch and relax. I notice I get a little lower every day.

All this stretching is very gentle. You do what you can and if you haven't taken any physical exercise in a while this is a very gentle way to fire up the muscles. All this activity fires up the metabolism and raises your calorie burn, even after you stop.

The exercises themselves are again very gentle. Dr Dukan recommends some sit ups. Lay on the bed, or the sofa if your partner is still sleeping, put a pillow under your shoulders, raise your knees, then try to sit up, bending from the waist. Get as high as you can, hold for a second then lay down. Do as many as you can. Ideally start with twenty and build up to thirty. If you can't manage twenty, do what you can. As you get used to it, get lighter through the diet and as your muscles gain strength, you will do more. Do the same exercise, but put your hands around your knees and pull with your arms as well. Try the same number of repetitions. These exercises tone your stomach and shoulders.

Another good exercise, but more strenuous than you think, is to stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Then drop onto your haunches and stand up. Once again aim for twenty repetitions initially. This will shape your buttocks and thighs.

I also try some inclined press ups. I must stress that if you find it to much, don't do this, or don't do to many. Take up a position like for a press up, but with your hands on a kitchen worktop, or similar surface. Straighten your body and then do press ups. The incline takes a lot of the weight of your body off your arms and shoulders. 

As you lose weight, these exercises help your body to resume its normal shape without the fat. The high protein content of your meals helps this process and ensures your skin stays healthy but the exercise works wonders. It also raises the metabolism and therefore the calorie consumption.

Do what you can, either straight away or after you have shed the initial pounds. You will feel better and will note a sense of achievement if you have been inactive for a long time. It will speed up the weight loss, too. 

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