Tuesday, 14 December 2010

What's the big deal about protein?

Protein is the real key to the success of the Dukan Diet. Before I explain the other factors, I should explain this. I'll explain as a layman, however since I am no dietitian.

There are the major food groups: carbohydrates or starches, fibre (sometimes called roughage), fats and proteins. There are also the vitamins and minerals. The carbohydrates are the energy foods. It is from these that we extract the bulk of our calories. The fibre or roughage is a mass of indigestible matter that bulks up what passes through the gut. Although not providing nutrients, this bulk is extremely important to our good health. Fats have several roles. They are a further source of calories and they also have a function a bit like the vitamins and minerals because they facilitate the absorption of certain of these micro nutrients. Protein is made up of amino acids and is what the body uses to do its repairs, growth and they are also vital for the proper functioning of our cells and for metabolic processes. 

Proteins are also a source of calories. The calories in protein are the hardest for the body to use. There is a relatively low amount of calories in a given quantity of protein and the body has to expend about thirty percent of the energy obtained to release those calories.

Carbohydrates and especially fats release their larger quantity of calories much more easily and at a much lower energy cost.

The body cannot store proteins and cannot synthesise them all from other things we eat. To stay healthy therefore we need a reasonable intake of protein, whereas we will have fat reserves to replace calories if we do not get sufficient from our daily food. 

Protein foods are mainly meats. The best are lean meats. (The leanest meats still contain sufficient fats for our essential needs, without providing so much that they become a significant source of calories.) The best lean meats are the least fatty cuts of beef and veal, chicken and turkey, fish and seafood. Eggs are also very good. Egg while is the purest form of protein naturally occurring. Egg yolk on the other hand is high fat. Normally if all other foods are very low fat, egg yolks do not pose a problem. If you embark on this diet but have previously had cholesterol problems, you might want to eliminate egg yolks as well. This is one to discuss with your doctor.

Fat free dairy is also a good source of protein and can make a lean protein diet more palatable. Dr Dukan has some excellent advice about preparing sauces with fat free yoghurt and fromage frais. Fat free yoghurts also provide some sweet foods. Very few deserts can qualify as low fat, carbohydrate-free high protein! 

Most protein is in the form of meats. Meat is a satisfying food to eat. It needs to be chewed, and it takes a considerable amount of energy to digest. It is also filling. If you sit down to a plate of starchy food, it is easy to eat and you quickly eat a lot. A plateful of meat will take more effort and you will feel satisfied quicker. 

The energy value of a satisfying serving of meat is very low. If you filled up on the carbohydrates, not only will you have eaten more, the calories you will get will be even greater than those you would have obtained by eating your fill of meat.

By filling up with foods which have a low energy value we force our bodies into a state known as ketosis. This is the metabolic state when we start to rely on our own fat reserves for our energy needs. This is the key to the rapid weight loss which can be achieved on the Dukan diet. By getting yourself into a state of ketosis and staying there your body starts to use stored fat for energy rather than dietary calories. 

Every time you eat your fill of protein you provide your body with the amino acids to keep everything running properly, but your body keeps using your fat to provide the energy.

It is possible to buy synthesised proteins in powder form which can be used to prepare milkshake drinks. While these provide a purer more controlled dose of protein than a plate of high protein natural foods, they will not give you the satisfaction of eating real food. We evolved as creatures which obtain their nutrients from food. Our bodies have systems which digest those foods. Our sensory experience of food is attuned to the flavours, aromas and textures of real food. These are essential to the satisfaction we get from eating. For this reason I think it is better to eat natural food than synthesised products. When you are limiting yourself to only eating certain foods it is far more enjoyable to make every meal as interesting as possible.

Proteins then provide satisfying tasty meals that will trick your body into consuming its fat. Avoid all carbohydrates and, as far as possible, fats, and you will lose weight easily.

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